
Across Asia over land, with Kristia

We had Kristia from Jakarta joining us to talk about her trip from Jakarta to Jordan, most of it over land and solo. Here is the recording.

Here are some notes from our discussions.

Kristia's overland journey covered a vast stretch from Southeast Asia to the Middle East. Here's a summary of her route: IMG_0625

Kristia mostly traveled overland, with a few exceptions like flying from Jakarta to Singapore and taking a ferry from Iran to Dubai. Her route through western China (Tibetan areas in Sichuan and Yunnan) allowed her to experience Tibetan culture without needing special permits required for the Tibet Autonomous Region. The trip to Afghanistan was not initially planned but added after researching its feasibility. The entire journey took about 6 months.

Kristia's experience in Afghanistan was quite interesting and different from what many people might expect. Here are the key points about her time there:

Overall, while Kristia's experience in Afghanistan was positive, she emphasized the importance of staying informed, respecting local customs, and taking necessary precautions when traveling in such regions.


Q: Did you ever feel unsafe traveling solo in Shangri-La? A: Kristia felt very safe in China, including Shangri-La. She mentioned the high level of control and surveillance actually made her feel safer.

Q: How did you get around? How to know where to catch a ride or transport? A: Kristia relied on online research, asking locals, and using Google Translate. She emphasized figuring things out step-by-step rather than planning everything in advance.

Q: How do you get data access during your journey? Or are you off the grid most of the time? A: She used a combination of roaming with her Indonesian SIM card and buying local SIM cards. She recommended getting local SIM cards when possible for easier access to local apps.

Q: What concerns did you have during your long trip? How did you do your banking? A: Kristia could use her Indonesian credit cards in most countries except Iran. She advised having multiple cards and some cash. For Iran, she brought US dollars and Chinese yuan.

Q: How did you navigate safety as a solo female traveler? A: Kristia mentioned paying more for safer accommodations and transport, avoiding traveling at night, and always sharing her location with family. She also contacted Indonesian embassies in countries she perceived as riskier.

Q: Did you need additional permits to travel around Shangri-La? A: No additional permits were needed for Shangri-La, only for the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Q: What was your favorite place in the whole trip? A: While she enjoyed aspects of every country, Kristia mentioned Pakistan and Iran as places she'd like to revisit and explore more thoroughly.

Q: Were people in countries like Pakistan or Afghanistan familiar with Indonesia? A: Yes, Kristia found that Indonesia had a good reputation in Islamic countries. Many people were familiar with Indonesia, often through Indonesian foreign workers or Indonesia's stance on issues important to Islamic countries.

Thanks to Kristia for joining us. Thanks to Nico for connecting me to Kristia and thanks to al the participants for the questions and interesting discussions.

Links: Kristia Davina Sianipar (@kristiasianipar) • Instagram photos and videos by Krisita